Multigrainz 完美谷粮 by itsColl
Benefits of Multigrainz:
- Manage healthy weight.
- Anti-oxidant.
- Anti-aging.
- Reduce cardiovascular obstruction.
- Reinforcing bones and teeth.
- Intensified intestinal peristalsis.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Boost energy.
- Boost memory.
- Protect your eyes from cataracts.
Key Ingredients:
Oxxynea is a very precious raw material from France with concentrated antioxidant phytonutrients containing 20 different types of vegetables and fruits. Multigrainz is a Perfect Grain provides effective anti-oxidant and anti-aging benefits while helping to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and heart fat.
- Helpful for losing weight.
- Helpful in regulating your blood sugar.
- Maintain your immune system.
- High in complex carbohydrates and protein which are great for energy production.
- Lowers the risk for heart attack or stroke.
- Contain calcium which is good for bone health.
- Statiating effect.
- Largely concerntrated in the bran, ebdosperm and germ, which is good for digestive system.
- Great sources of dietary fiber, as well as nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- With natural red vitamin B12 and high quality of iron, it is the best nutrition of blood enrichment for women and vegetarian user.
- One of the important substances to prevent anemia, anti-cancer, prevent hypertension and Alzheimer's disease.
- Help on blood circulation, improve memory and concentration.
- Helps to improve women's physiological and menopausal conditions.
- Contains very high levels of calcium to promote tooth and bone development.
- Contains very strong antioxidants.
Brown Rice Powder
- Cancer prevention.
- Good source of fibre.
- Boost immune system.
- Lower bad cholesterol.
- Hepl to reduce diabetes.
- Regulate blood sugar level.
- Improve digestive system.
- Improve cardiovascular system.
- Help to improve constipation problems.
- Helps reduce the risk of bowel cancer and improves gastrointestinal function.
- Probiotics are natural, water-soluble fibers that balance cholesterol levels.
- Promotes colorectal health and helps to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon.
- Rich in antioxidant.
- Maintain eye's health and enhance vision.
- Prevent eye diseases such as cataract and night-blindness.
Who can drink Multigrainz?
- Person who has uneven diet (meat eater).
- Breasfeeding mother, can increase milk production.
- 6 months old baby.
- Child who does not like to eat vegetables.
- Senior, as nutrients supplement and stregthen bones.
- High chloestrol, high blood pleassure, high sugar blood.
- Weight control.
* Consists of little bit of milk protein, not advisable for Vegans.
Whatsapp/Wechat: 012-485 6848
Multigrainz完美谷粮 是市面上唯一一款含有22种谷类 和 20种蔬果(Oxxynea) 结合而成的谷粮饮料。它能提供的是全方位的营养素,除了能有效的降低血脂、血压、血糖之外,还可以预防心管疫病、抗癌、抗老、抗氧化,以及改善整体的健康。
Multigrainz 完美谷粮好处:
- 据有饱足感
- 管理健康体重
- 抗老预防早衰
- 促进新陈代谢
- 改善便秘问题
- 强化皮肤健康
- 促进肠胃蠕动
- 促进脑部发育
- 强化脑袋健康
- 强化心脏健康
- 强化免疫系统
- 强化眼睛健康
- 强化骨骼和牙齿
- 减低心血管阻塞
- 强化肠道蠕动功效
- 平衡血糖于健康水平
- 膳食纤维、营养、维生素以及矿物质的大量来源
1) 白色:稻子、薏米、糯米、小麦胚芽、有机黑麦片、菊粉、大麦
2) 黄色: 凤梨、玉米、燕麦胚芽、有机燕麦、有机小米
3) 褐色:玉米碎、有机小麦、有机荞麦、有机糙米、有机胚芽米、日本珍珠米、芡实、大米
4) 黑色:黑糯米、黑荞麦、有机黑米、有机黑小米
5) 橙色:橙,杏果,木瓜,红萝卜
7) 绿色:椰榄、绿茶、芦笋、卷心菜、有机青小米、青瓜、绿葡萄、花椰菜
8) 紫色: 红葡萄、黑加仑、有机紫野米
9) 蓝色:欧洲越橘、蓝莓
- 具有自然红色维生素B12和优质的铁质,是女性和素菜者补血的最佳营养品。
- 预防贫血的重要物质之一,并且还有抗癌、防止高血压、老年痴呆症的作用。
- 有助血液循环、提高记忆力和专注力。
- 有助于改善女性生理期和更年期的各种状况。
- 含有非常高的钙质,促进牙齿和骨骼的发育。
- 含有非常强的抗氧化作用。
- 有助于改善便秘问题。
- 有助于降低肠癌的风险,改善肠胃的功能。
- 益生菌是天然的水溶性纤维,能平衡胆固醇的水平。
- 促进大肠健康,并且有助于结肠上的益菌生长。
谁适合饮用 Multigrainz?
- 饮食不均匀的忙碌城市人
- 哺乳妈妈可以增加奶量
- 6个月大的宝宝
- 不爱吃蔬菜的小孩
- 老年人补充营养强化骨骼
- 有三高的病患者
- 要瘦身可以当代餐
Whatsapp/Wechat: 012-485 6848
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