AFX by Maxxima Nutrition

What is AFX? 
AFX is dietary supplement traditionally used for general well-being. AFX is an extract of organic wild Aphanizomenon flos Aquae (AFA) that provides an abundance of nutrients for vibrant health and energy. It is one of the most profoundly nourishing foods on the planet.
AFA is a species if cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) which is commercially processed into a dietary supplement. It grows naturally in Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon, making it a particularly unique dietary supplement.

AFA also has a full spectrum of naturally chelated minerals, chlorophyll, antioxidants and wide range of vitamins. One gram of AFA extract (3 capsules) supplies 48% of the receommended daily requirement of Vitamin B1(beta-carotene), 133% of Vitamin B12 and significant amounts of all B complex vitamins. The protein rich cell wall of AFA is a source of glycogen, used by the liver for energy, which is the one reason people often report an increase in energy after adding it to their daily diet. AFA also contains unique molecules-Phenylethylamine (PEA), known as the "molecule of love", which enhances concentration and attention. PEA is also a natural mood elevator.
Our AFA extract is created by carefully removing the algae's cell wall through our proprietary solvent-free process. Research also characterizes the effect of a water-soluble preparation from known agents that modulate the immune system. But the most extraodinary discovery is the ability of AFA to stimulate the natural innate phenomenon of self-renewal in the human body.
AFA is traditionally used for general well being.

There is 64 nutrients or more in a SINGLE food - SUPERFOOD AFA
Benefits of AFX:
  • Balanced nutrition for body cells
  • Improve energy
  • Repair cells
  • Improve internal organs functionality
  • Strengthen brain and nervous system
  • Speed up wound recovery
  • Detoxification
  • Improve body immune system
  • Maintain good sugar and blood lipid level 
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant/Anti-aging
  • Skin nourishment 
  • Enhance concentration 
  • Alleviate depression
Everyone needs AFX because:
It's just like a food for body stem cells to ensure they are in good condition and they are functioning well. If our body organs all in well condition, it leads to healthy body. 

Retail Price: RM360 (WM) / RM370 (EM) per box (2 bottles) 
WhatsApp/Wechat: 012-485 6848

AFX mengandungi ekstrak Aphanizomenon flos Aquae (AFA) organik yang tumbuh secara liar. Ianya mengandungi pelbagai nutrien untuk kesihatan dan mampu meningkatkan tenaga. AFA adalah spesis cyanobacteria (alga biru-hijau) yang diproses secara komersial menjadi makanan tambahan. Ia tumbuh secara semula jadi di Tasik Klamath di Oregon Amerika Syarikat. 
AFA juga mempunyai spektrum mineral semulajadi, klorofil, antioksidan dan pelbagai jenis vitamin. Satu gram ekstrak AFA (3 kapsul) menyediakan 48% daripada keperluan harian Vitamin B1 (Beta-karotena) yang disyorkan, 133% daripada Vitamin B12 dan sejumlah besar dari semua jenis Vitamin B Kompleks。 Dinding sel AFA yang kaya dengan protein adalah sumber terbaik glukogen, di mana ianya diperlukan oleh hati untuk penyimpanan tenaga, yang menjadikan ianya salah satu sebab pengguna merasai peningkatan tenaga selepas mengamalkan pengambilan AFX di dalam diet harian mereka. AFA juga diketahui mengandungi molekul unik yang memodulasi pelbagai 'molekul cinta', mampu meningkatkan daya tumpuan dan perhatian. PEA juga merupakan penentu mood semula jadi.
Ekstrak AFA kami diproses menggunakan teknologi yang unik dengan menghilangkan dinding sel alga melalui proses bebas pelarut. Kajian mendapati AFA bukan sahaja mampu meningkatkan kesihatan dan tenaga malah ianya juga mampu merangsang proses pembaharuan sel yang rosak di dalam tubuh manusia secara semulajadi. 
AFX adalah makanan tambahan yang digunakan secara tradisional untuk kesejahteraan umum.  

Retail Price: RM360 (WM) / RM370 (EM) per box (2 bottles) 


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